Monday, July 16, 2007

Back From Our Reality Break!

Yikes! Thought I fell off the edge of the Earth didn't ya?

We had our first multiple week vacation in many, many moons and just got back last night. It will take me a while to dig out from underneath the mountain of laundry and share the highlights of our trip with you, but I just wanted to check in real quick and let you know we are home and I'm still kicking!

It was very nice to come home to Ghana last night. Not too hot and the power was on (yippee! it really made all the difference to come home to a house with lights), although it went off this AM at 6 practically on the dot for our 'regular' twelve hour outage... :-)

While we were gone the country switched to the new currency. Coop and I hit MaxMart for groceries this morning and I am still a little verklempt by the change. Everyone but me has new money and the prices are all listed in the new currency (without all the zeros). We have until the end of the year to adjust and get rid of our old money, but for now that's all I have and my brain still thinks in hundreds of thousands of cedis.

That will be my challenge for the coming week- to adjust to new monetary thinking... but it will have to wait in line behind all the stuff that didn't get done over the last two weeks and the unpacking, laundry, and reviving of our poor dusty, neglected house.

Anyway- hang around, I'll post again really soon with trip pictures and details and then we'll get back to life in Ghana.
